More news, "badder" news about honey hit the headlines last week. The vast majority of this natural sweetener being sold in those kid cute plastic bears in your local supermarket is either not really honey at all or is significantly contaminated sludge. Vast loopholes in our loopy food laws have allowed vast tonnages of toxic "honey" to get imported from India or China without having to reveal that on the labels. In other words, what you don't know could harm you.
Purveyors of honest honey have been hit hard by the price undercutting this permits and are struggling to stay afloat in a tsunami of cheap crap. Lack of honest labeling makes it hard to know what's actually in the jar you're reaching for on that supermarket shelf. You'd be surprised to know some of the biggest, most "trusted" brands on it are the evil ones duping and poisoning you. One of them is the ubiquitous Sue Bee. It's come a long way from Sioux Bees.
If you want real honey from real bees using real hives, if you want uncontaminated and unadulterated honey, if you want honey that honestly comes from bees nearest you, if you want your sweetener sweetly worry free buy it ONLY at a farmers' market or locally run organic grocer who knows exactly where the merchandise came from. It may cost you a few more quarters, but saving money on honey could kill you.
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